
Thursday, 28 August 2014

The pit

WALA: The Learning Pit

Description: We have been learning about when good learning happens.  

Task: Share what you know about the learning pit.

  • Draw the Learning Pit.

  • List at least 3 feelings that you might have when you are in the pit.


  • List at least 3 strategies that you could use to get out of the pit.

    Keep Calm and carry on
    Ask for help everyone needs it
    Strive make your mistakes drive you on
    Get someone to show you how

  • Label where good learning happens.

    In the pit
  • List 3 things you could say to yourself when you are in the pit.

  •  Believe in your self
    You can do it
    Try again
    You will get there

Reflect on a time when you have been in the pit.
    • How did you feel when you were in the pit?

    • Stressed determined and challenged

    • What did you do to work out of the pit?

    • Strive for excellence and cool down keep your temper down and relax. Work hard at it to.

Feedback/Feedforward:  Well done Bella! I like the way you work out of the pit. Maybe next time you could put how you were in the pit. Ana

Friday, 15 August 2014

Te Reo Sample

WALT: communicate a message.

Description: We have been participating in 3 different workshops around colour, compositions and fonts.  We put these skills to use in a poster sharing our knowledge about Te Reo Maori.
Why? We have noticed that our posters are too cluttered and do not communicate a  message well.

Task: Make a poster about Te Reo Maori.

Message: My message is clear and purposeful.  Everything that is on my poster relates to my message.

Composition:  My poster is balanced.

Font:  My font is clear, readable and suits the message.

Colour:  I have used 2-3 colours that are complementary.  My background choice makes the text pop!

Accuracy:  All of the words on my poster are spelt correctly.

  1. What are you most proud of and why?

    I am proud of our complementary colours that we chose white black and red what also suits is that they are māori colours.

  1. What challenged you the most and why?

    I think that I could have worked on keeping our poster balanced. We didn't have the words balanced the greetings were on one side and then one on the wrong side.

  1. Next time, what is a goal you can work towards?

    Making it balanced and also polishing the layout so it looks way better.


I think the poster is really cool. The thing we need to work on is the layout. I think every maori word is scattered across the page randomly. Aye :-)