
Thursday, 27 March 2014


Today we did a project with maths. We had to see what we needed to improve on. I think that a good goal to have would be to try understand this more and learn more strategies to work it out!

SC: To learn how to find he mean median mode and range confidently by ourselves.

Can YOU help me learn some strategies leave a comment below!



Wonder is a great book about a ten year old boy called August (Auggie for short) with a very rare medical condition. This boy does ordinary things and has an ordinary family. But it is his face that is not ordinary - he has already had 27 operations. People stare at him wherever he goes.

He doesn't start school until fifth grade (was home schooled by his Mum) before that. She is very protective of him so is his sister Via and his Dad too.

At school another boy called Julian is nasty to him and demands rude questions like "Have you been in a fire!" as well as laughing and talking behind his back. Things get bad and Julian starts a "war" against Auggie and his friends Summer and Jack. At one stage almost all the kids are not talking to them.

Lots of things happen but basically kids end up getting sick of the war and moving on to Auggie's side and slowly becoming his friend. He has to get hearing aids but copes really well. At the end of school he wins a award for the best student! And everyone has a photo with him hugging him and stuff. Apart from Julian who's parents decides to move him to a different school so it all works out fine.

Question: Do you agree with Mr Tushman's decision not to suspend Julian? Why/Why not?

WALT: Consider alternative viewpoints to better understand the author's message.

CS: Compare different characters points of view to form opinions.

At first I disagreed as I think Julian was the worst troublemaker and it was his fault that Jack hit him. I kind of wished he would be expelled. It seemed unfair that Jack had to be punished and Julian got nothing,

But after thinking some more I actually do agree that Mr Tushman made the right choice because otherwise Julian might have become even more angry made more fights and trouble basically making life for August even worse at school. Also it might have made Julian's rich parents angry and they might fight back too.

What do you think?

Question: August does a lot of growing up in Wonder. What actions decisions and words show that he's been growing up? Start with his decision of going to school. Keep adding to the list.
  • Goes to school
  • Goes to lunch by himself on first day (does not just go and hide)
  • Puts himself to bed
  • Knows why Via did not want him to go to her play
  • Goes back to school after overhearing Jack
  • Forgives Jack
  • Agrees to wear his new hearing aid
  • Decides to go on school sleep over
  • Doesn't take his soft toy to camp
  • Sticks up for himself to the mean boys

Question: Auggie and Via's descriptions of Halloween are quite different. What did you learn from Via that you did not already know from Auggie? What did you learn from Auggie that Via doesn't tell you? List at least three things unique to each person on a double bubble map.

Question: Justin's part of the book was all in lower case with bad punctuation. This shows that he is not your typical school boy! Create a symbol that represents you! 
WALT: Make inferences to better understand the authors message.

SC: Use clues from the story to make connections beyond the text.

My symbol is meant to represent a graffiti wall of things about me. There are so many things I love that it was too hard just to chose one so that is how this came about!

Weet bix try

Yesterday I did the Weet bix try. Here are some things about the day!

I was proud of my biking because I am not the best biker but I think I dis really well.

It was hard on the narrow road we had to bike on and in the swim someone pulled me back

I think that it was a great day and that everyone should participate in it. Also the prize of proud at the end feels great!

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Reading time

In class before camp we did some presentations about something that we would do at camp. Our fabulous group decided to do it on abseiling. At first we thought that it was on a boat. But was it... Watch this to find out...

WALT Research
Please use the below targets to complete this self assessment:target green.jpg Target yellow.jpg Target red.jpg


  • I can find information from a range a 
    • target green.jpg


  • I can compare and contrast sources
    • Target yellow.jpg

  • I can ask a range of specific questions
    • target green.jpg

  • I can put the relevant information into my own words
    • Target yellow.jpg

  • I can work with my group effectively
    • Target yellow.jpg

  • I can contribute ideas
    • target green.jpg

  • I can participate with tasks
    • target green.jpg

  • I can look at the audience
    • target green.jpg

  • I can talk with a clear, loud voice
    • target green.jpg

  • I look relaxed and confident
    • target green.jpg

  • I can talk at a good pace
    • target green.jpg


    They can find information from a range a sources

      • target green.jpg

    • They can compare and contrast sources
      • target green.jpg

    • They can ask a range of specific questions
      • target green.jpg

    • They can put the relevant information into my own words
      • target green.jpg

    • They can work with my group effectively
      • target green.jpg

    • They can contribute ideas
      • target green.jpg

    • They can participate with tasks

      • target green.jpg

    • They can look at the audience
      Target yellow.jpg

    • They can talk with a clear, loud voice
      • target green.jpg

    • They look relaxed and confident
      • target green.jpg

    • They can talk at a good pace
      Target yellow.jpg

    Feedforward comment:

    I think that you have done a great job you have nearly hit the bulls eye on all of them! Keep it up Bella! From Grace